Monday, February 24, 2014

Stretch those Limbs! Use the Foam Roller

I know, I know. After a hard workout you just wanna go home, take a shower, and eat! (Hopefully a protein shake comes first).

If you know you're gonna be starving after a workout, but you still want to eat dinner, make a small protein shake and drink it in the car.  When you get home and shower, afterwards you can have your meal.

But that wasn't my point.. sorry for getting off-tangent!

My point IS.. STRETCH before you leave! Give your muscles a good 5 minutes to stretch and recover.

There are many stretches you can do that are good. Yoga poses are also very helpful.

One must for me is the FOAM ROLLER! Stretching the IT Bands is crucial and I can't stress that more.

Here's a link of a "how to":

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