Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What are the benefits of meal prepping?

When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. If you prepare the food you need the night before, you know you'll have a healthy menu tomorrow. Without proper planning, it's easy to go out and buy something less healthy because you don't have any other options.

It's a good idea to have a meal replacement shake once a day because that's one less meal you have to worry about, and if gives you the protein and vitamins you need in a meal. 
I recently just started the Isagenix lifestyle diet, where I have two meal replacement shakes a day. 

Sometimes having a couple choices is smart because you never know what you'll be in the mood for the next day. Instead of only making grilled chicken salad, also make a black and kidney bean with guacamole burrito just incase you are craving that more.

Make sure to have steamed vegetables available at all times throughout the day, along with some fresh fruit. Make portion controlled snacks and meals. 

Meal prepping doesn't have to mean endless cooking. It usually requires cooking one meal, but preparing the rest. For example, you would have to cook salmon, but if you don't have time for intense stove cooking, there are easy ways to use the microwave and toaster.

Some simple breakfast choices can be oatmeal, eggs, greek yogurt, or protein pancakes. If you like cereal, make sure to drink Unsweetened Almond Milk and eat low-sugar cereal like Cheerios. Even Kashi isn't as healthy as it sets out to be.

Lunch is the perfect time to have a shake if you are low on food or limited on ideas. It's also perfect after a work-out. If you aren't big on shakes, try making quinoa with brown rice and mix in avocado and hummus. Enjoy a turkey, spinach, and avocado wrap (make sure to find a wheat-free and gluten0free wrap). Make a big salad and throw in chia seeds, hemp seeds, and flax seeds, vegetables, and protein. Have fresh fruit on the side.

Snacks can be dangerous, but they don't have to be. Fruit, nuts, Mary's Gone Crackers with hummus or guacamole, or a spoon of almond butter is a healthy choice.

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