Saturday, April 5, 2014

Late Nite Munchies

Our WORST vice!!! Let's all kick the habit together!

Eating at night is bad for all these reasons:
1. You aren't paying attention to how much you're eating (if I'm stressed or up late studying and I get hungry, making a portion size isn't always the first thing on my mind. Instead, what I'm thinking is AHHHH I'm so stressed and hungry let me eat everything!!! Or, I'm not tired enough to go to sleep, so let me watch some TV.. I'm kinda hungry too, so let me mindlessly snack and watch TV!!)
2. You are more likely to eat unhealthy (It's midnight. You need a fix. Do you eat a container of mixed vegetables or do you eat that little pack of cookies lying around you meant to throw out... Or, you're at the diner with your friends after a night out.. wings and fries anyone?)
3. It disrupts your body's natural body clock. It may throw off your normal metabolic cycle.

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