Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Kashi foods are all natural and healthy, right...?


Despite claims to the contrary, Kashi Company's "All Natural" products were chock full of "almost entirely synthetic and unnaturally processed ingredients," according to to the class action lawsuit filed against them. In fact, ingredients that are considered prescription drugs and federally-classified hazardous substances were found to be the primary ingredients in the so called "natural" foods.

The lawsuit, on behalf a proposed class of all U.S. consumers, says that Kashi put the all-natural labels on their foods even though they knew the claim to be false. For example, Kashi GoLean shakes are composed almost entirely of unnatural processed ingredients.

Check it out here:

Source: Top Class Actions
14 False Advertising Scandals That Cost Brands Millions
Read more:

Messy Madness!

When my room is a mess, I am a mess!

Your atmosphere is everything. I am way more stressed when my room is cluttered and clothes are everywhere. I try to pick a few things up and put them away each day. Putting a shirt back on the hanger when you get home will save you a mess later on.

Its easy to throw things on your bed or floor, it'll make it much harder on yourself later.
A messy environment can cause lack of focus and clutter causes dust- yuck.

Avoid a sloppy room by putting your things away after you use them. Ugh, I know, easier said than done. But it saves you a LOT of time in the end. 

Would you rather spend 25 minutes cleaning at the end of the week? Or 4 minutes cleaning and tidying each day?

<--- Thought this quote was funny. Don't take it seriously, though!