Sunday, February 23, 2014

Ban that Bread!

Bread comes with every meal it seems, whether you're going out to a restaurant and they serve you bread with the menu, or you're ordering a burger or a sandwich.  Wraps are no better - most contain food dye (spinach wrap? more like green dye!) and are high in calories and contain minimum nutritional value.

You can enjoy a burger and a frank without the buns.  Especially if you want cheese on your burger, you are already adding extra calories and fat, so just ditch the bun.  If you wanna start by having half a bun, do that, and then gradually take away the whole thing. They sell whole grain buns out there if you really need one to complete the meal.

A sandwich is okay every now and then, but if you aren't making it yourself, don't expect the bread they use elsewhere to be healthy. Once slice of wheat bread can 130 calories.  If you are having 2 slices, thats 260 calories right there! Not worth it.

Salads are great. People should like them. But sometimes you just aren't in the mood.

While alternatives to bread could be lettuce, cucumber, tomato, or other vegetable-based substitutes. When I'm in the mod for bread - I'm not in the mood for a vegetable as a bread. I'm just not.

I need something like bread or a wrap, and that's where these come in:


Joseph's Wraps & Pitas - they have a large variety! Check them out:

Kim's Magic Pop, a light and crunchy popped grain snack! Check them out:

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