Sunday, March 2, 2014

Cheat Day

No.. I'm not talking about cheating on your significant other!

I'm talking about having a cheat day as in indulging in foods you wouldn't eat everyday, or going over your calorie limit.

We're all human, it happens! Just don't turn that cheat day into a cheat week, one day is enough.

Also, don't make that cheat day a day to go eat fast food and tons of candy.

If you want a brownie or a home baked cookie and a slice of pizza, that can be fine, but just don't overdo it. Morning regrets are the worst!
If you are going to eat pizza, PLEASE make it the real kind and not Domino's or Pizza Hut, EWW! Enjoy the real deal!

Having too much sugar or carbs is dangerous because the next day you can crave more. So just be careful.

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