Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Life Starts Outside Your Comfort Zone

You will never solve problems using the same thinking you created them with! Listen  to Einstein on that one. We all have our issues, but it's time to put them aside and do something to better ourselves.

Saying "I'm fat" over and over again without exercising and eating healthy isn't going to get you anywhere. Some people are afraid to go to the gym because they think people will judge them. No one is there to judge - we are all there for the same reason - to get fit!

We all start somewhere and work our way up.

GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. Get off the couch, yes it's comfy, but it's not really your friend. Go for a walk. Find something productive to do. Paint, read, write, do something!

Don't think you aren't ready for something great. Yes sometimes "good things come to those who wait," but the matter of fact is, good things often come to those who get out there, try something new, and work their a$$ off!

Smile at someone on your way to work. Reach out to people; make new friends. Looking for a new job? Apply anywhere you can, ya never know!

Go out for a drink or a nice dinner with friends.

Alone time is nice, but it's important to network and be social and take chances.

Don't be afraid to put your needs first. You're the one who is living your own life, you can't make decisions based solely on others needs.

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