Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Simple Sushi Suggestions

My sushi meal at Kotobuki Restaurant! Their fish is so fresh!
This roll is a Naruto Roll - rice free. Salmon, tuna, yellowtail, and avocado.
I personally don't like cucumbers, so around the fish is a special seaweed. 
On the side is eel sashimi, a little treat for me!

Sushi is a big trend and a yummy treat.
Raw fish shouldn't be consumed everyday. Try smoked salmon if you're a sushi addict.
AVOID TEMPURA/CRUNCHIES. It's fried and unhealthy.
Keep your distance from other fried foods.

I don't order spicy rolls if it comes with mayo or heavy sauce.
Go easy on the soy sauce! Even if it's "low sodium." It's still packed with salt.
Miso is also salty. So is edamame unless you ask for it salt-free.

When we have our sushi fix, the calories can be piled on. Let's face it - sushi is delicious! 
Rolls with seaweed, rice and fish with mayo/sauce are common dishes I see on peoples' plates when I go out to an Asian restaurant. 

While these rolls may be yummy, they contain hundreds of calories and fat.
According to Fox News, a sushi dinner can weigh in at a paltry 200 to 300 calories or easily top 1,000 calories. What you order — and how much of it — is what makes the difference.
The rice really packs on the calories, so ditch it and save yourself refined rice and calories.
If you really need some rice, order brown over white.

According to Fox News, one piece of tuna sashimi (approximately 1 ounce of protein with no rice) has about 35 calories. Make it a piece of tuna nigiri (with rice) and it’s about 61 calories. A typical sushi roll is prepared with one cup of rice, you heard me (well, read me) ONE CUP OF RICE CAN BE IN YOUR SUSHI ROLL!!!! ----> which amounts to three servings of carbs and 240 calories. And that’s before the fish, vegetables and any sauce has been added.

There is a way to enjoy your fish without adding all those unhealthy calories:
Order sashimi (no rice). Definitely have tuna on your plate. It's the healthiest and lowest calorie fish you can order. Next in line is salmon and yellowtail. Avocado is so good for you, so get some of that on your plate!

If you want to order a more fattening fish, like eel (one of my favorites), don't sweat it. It's high in omega-3. Since you have eliminated the calorie dense rice (we don't realize how much rice is actually in our rolls when we eat because it is tightly condensed), you're okay. Enjoy yourself.

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