Tuesday, February 25, 2014

'Sup Supplements?

Are all supplements safe? Yet, despite being labeled 'natural', over 90% of vitamin supplements on sale are synthetic; natural does not mean safe. New evidence is emerging that these unnatural forms of vitamin could do more harm than good, so beware of scams. Not all supplements are regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration. Some have side effects. Speak to your doctor, a nutritionist or an educated person working at a vitamin/nutrition store before beginning a supplement program. Put real vitamins and nutrients in your body through your diet. Unless your diet is entirely unhealthy and all of your food is processed, you should have no need for a multivitamin - many foods are already fortified with vitamins and minerals. Too many can be harmful. Supplementing the areas where your diet falls short with specific vitamins may be a better plan if you're a relatively healthy eater. The healthier you eat, the less need for supplements.

I believe that using protein shakes and vitamin supplements within reason works for many people, but there are also easy ways to eat healthier and get benefits without using them. When making salads, sandwiches, or even oatmeal, I make it more nutritious by adding chia seeds, hemp seeds, and flax seeds. There are so many health benefits to this, and it makes a meal more exciting. It only takes seconds to sprinkle on, and the bags last a long time, making it inexpensive. Since I already take krill oil, I see no need to take flax oil; rather, I just sprinkle flax seeds onto some of my meals.

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